Explore a variety of existing models for transforming teaching. Get inspired by the work of schools and model provider organizations around the country. Identify elements of existing models that are compelling and have the potential to address challenges in your community.


In 2022 and 2023, CityBridge facilitated an Inspiration PLC for teams to learn as a cohort from the leaders of several national model providers, which we also refer to as our “design partners.” They include: ASU Next Education Workforce, Opportunity Culture, Teacher-Powered Schools, and Coursemojo.

Read about design partner models. Some of these design partners operate their own introductory learning experience or have extensive libraries of training materials available online. In order to synthesize key elements of how each works, CityBridge developed a set of “model explainer” documents that allow for apples-to-apples comparisons of how the different organizations address the Transforming Teaching Design Principles.

Access the four explainers here:

<aside> 🛠️ Transforming Teaching - Model explainers


Teams can use the model explainers to:

Learn from the Spring 2023 Inspiration PLC sessions. In addition to the model explainers and sources on each organization website, we are sharing the Zoom recordings of the group presentations at the virtual sessions:

ASU Next Education Workforce (Feb 28, 2023)

Teacher-Powered Schools (Mar 14, 2023).

Opportunity Culture (Mar 28, 2023)

CourseMojo (Apr 11, 2023)

Explore research from other organizations. Both Education Resources Strategies (ERS) and Transcend have developed extensive resources looking at a variety of national models for transforming teaching: